In the workplace, the likelihood is that you’ll be dealing with customers or stakeholders at some point and the harsh reality is that the quality of your customer service can make or break your business. It’s therefore essential that you’re well equipped to deal with your customers.
The telephone is usually the first port of call for the customer.
In this lesson, you will learn the ‘Top 40 Telephoning phrases and vocabulary for Customer Care.’
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A customer has called to the office and you pick up the phone.
- “Good morning, [Toomey Business English].”
- “Good afternoon, [Bing Industries].”
- “Hello, [Sam Foxton] speaking. How [can] I help you?”
- “Hello, [Sam Foxton} speaking. How [may] I help you?”
You’re the customer and you need to explain to the customer care representative who you are.
5. “Hello, my name is [Amy Baxter]. I’m with [Saxon Solicitors] in [Liverpool].
6. ”This is [Ben Foster] from [Fosters, Smith and Baxter].”
7. Hello, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is [Emma Hunter] from [Stardust Industries].”
After identifying yourself, you can follow up further.
8. “I’m calling to [enquire about the job advert posted in Guardian News].”
9. “I’m calling to [arrange a meeting with the Managing Director].”
Success! The customer has got through to Customer Care. What happens next?
10. “Could you put me through to [Jim Hawker], please?”
11. “I’d like to speak to [Steve Beesley] please.”
Customer care responds accordingly.
12. “Thanks for waiting. I’m putting you through to [Jim’s] office now.”
13. “Of course, one moment please.”
Customer care gives the option to the customer to leave a message.
14. “Would you like to leave a message?”
The customer might respond.
15. “That’s okay, I’ll call back later.”
16. “Could I leave [him] a message to ring me back as soon as possible?”
17. “Could I leave [her] a message to ring me back as soon as possible?”
Customer care then assures the customer.
18. “I’ll make sure [he] gets your message straight away.”
19. “I’ll make sure [she] gets your message straight away.”
20. “I’ll make sure [he] calls you back today.”
21. “I’ll make sure [she] calls you back today.”
It’s important to show the customer that you’ve got the correct information. In this way, you’re showing attention.
22. “Let me just make a note of that.”
23. “I’ll just write that down.”
24. “I’ve got your customer file right in front of me.”
25. “I’m checking your file as we speak.”
It’s also good practice for customer care to confirm the information that they’ve received.
26. “Can I just [confirm] the details again?”
27. “Can I just [go over] the details again?”
28. “Let’s go over it again to be sure of the details.”
Customer care sometimes has to action things, and they can explain that action. Here are some example phrases and vocabulary.
29. “I’ll be glad to send this out to you today.”
30. “You should receive it by [next Wednesday].”
31. “You should receive it by [tomorrow].”
Sometimes customer care will need to find out more within their organisation before responding to the customer. They will show a follow-up to the customer, the same as delivering a promise to the customer.
32. “I’ll check on that information with my colleague and call you back in [three] hours.”
33. “I’ll make sure that [he] calls you back today.
34. “I’ll make sure that [she] calls you back today.
And then it’s time to finish the call! But, be sure to ask the customer if there is anything else before hanging up the phone!
35. “Could I [help] you with anything else today?”
36. “Could I [assist] you with anything else today?”
37. “Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
38. “Can I take care of anything else for you?”
39. “I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.”
40. “Many thanks for calling us.”
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