In this Business English lesson, you’re going to learn what Formal and Informal Means, the differences in Formal and Informal Presentations and examples of Formal and Informal Phrases to help ‘Start your Presentation.’
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Understanding Formal Situations
A formal situation requires professionalism and follows certain rules of etiquette and protocol.
When do we use Formal Language?
We use formal language when we talk to:-
- people we don’t know.
- people in positions of authority.
- people who are older than we are.
- people we want to impress.
How do Formal Phrases differ in comparison to Informal Phrases?
When we use Formal Phrases, grammar is usually more complex, and sentences are generally longer. Normal, everyday phrases are used in informal presentations.
When will I use Formal Phrases in my Presentation?
- When you don’t know your audience, and you want to make a convincing first impression.
- When there’s an expectation that you prepare thoroughly beforehand.
- When the audience that you’re presenting to is a professional group of people.
What kind of Presentations would benefit from Formal Phrases?
- Training Presentations.
- Business Presentations.
- Academic Presentations.
- Public Speaking (speeches, lectures.)
- External Invitations to speak.
Examples of Formal Phrases to help Start your Presentation
“Good morning, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Martin Short, and I work in the Research Department.”
“Hello everybody. Before we start, let me introduce myself briefly: My name is Maria Kinsella, and I’m the Head of Research.”
“Good afternoon. On behalf of John Smith Industries, I’d like to welcome you.”
“My name is Teddy Shamrock and I am Senior Management of the Finance Department.”
“Good afternoon. My name is Jenny Mann and welcome to the fifth annual conference of Cosmic Industries.’
What clothes should I wear for a formal presentation?
You should dress at a professional level.
Should I use powerpoint/keynote slides for an formal presentation?
It’s the presenter’s decision. However, given that more preparation goes into a formal presentation, slides are more likely to be used.
Understanding Informal Situations
An informal situation is casual and laid back.
When do we use Informal Language?
We use informal language when we talk to:-
- friends.
- family members.
- people we know well,
- people our own age.
Overall, to put it into perspective, you can talk with your audience like you talk to your friends in informal presentations.
When will I use Informal Phrases in my Presentation?
- When you are comfortable in the knowledge that you know your audience and that they will accept informal language and phrases.
- When there’s no real expectation that you should prepare thoroughly beforehand. (You do not have to be 100% prepared.)
What kind of Presentations would benefit from Informal Phrases?
- Mainly in-house presentations such as team meetings,
- Group discussions, seminars.
Examples of Informal Phrases to help Start your Presentation
“Hey, guys! It’s great to be here today. If you don’t know me, I’m Marco, and I’m the Head of Public Relations.”
“Hi, there! It’s great to see so many new faces here today. Firstly, I’ll say hello: My name is Samantha, and I’m one of our Research Team Officers.”
“Hi everyone, I’m Barney, Senior Marketing Officer. Thanks for coming.”
“Hi folks, it’s great to see you all today. Just in case, I’m Tim, and I’m the company’s Media Officer.”
“It’s nice to see you all again, and thanks for coming to my talk about procurement. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Kylie, and I work in the Accounting Department as a clerk.”
What clothes should I wear for an informal presentation?
You can wear casual clothes.
Should I use powerpoint/keynote slides for an informal presentation?
It’s the presenter’s decision. However, given that less preparation goes into an informal presentation, slides are less likely to be used.