There is nothing more frustrating when dealing with a difficult customer, especially when using your second language. Expressing yourself quickly and resolving the customer’s problem can be daunting.
At the same time, you must remain calm, show empathy, and maintain professionalism.
In this lesson, you will learn ‘9 Important Customer Service Tips.’ Watch the lesson and then read the article for examples.
Watch the lesson and then read the article for examples.
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1) Remain Calm
It’s so important to remain calm. At times, let’s face it, you will get a demanding customer.
Getting upset, losing your cool, or yelling at a customer is never good.
You are more likely to make good progress and satisfy your customer’s needs if you approach a problem with a calm state of mind.
2) Quick Solutions
Once you’ve added all the information you need then now is your chance to find a solution that makes everyone happy especially your customer. The faster you find a reasonable solution that everyone can agree on the happier your customer will be.
3) Keep Comprehensive Records
Complaints often include hidden opportunities for improving your product or service and documenting complaints can actually help you to identify those flaws, issues and trends.
For example, it could be a product problem that you need to immediately address.
With the complaints documented, you can bring them up in a monthly and annual meeting to seek advice on how to tackle the issue.
4) Listen Effectively
Active listening means giving a speaker your undivided attention. Listening to them carefully, reflecting on and responding in a way that shows your understanding.
If a customer is angry/annoyed – Allowing them to talk will give him or her time to calm down. Often, you can resolve an issue just by listening to your customers and allowing them to express their opinion.
5) Be kind
In most instances, you can diffuse anger and frustration by remaining kind and understanding. You can tell your customer straight away that you appreciate them reaching out about their concerns and that you want to understand exactly how they are feeling.
A statement such as this from the get-go lets your customer know that you truly care and that you are ready to listen. When a customer knows that you truly care, you are well on your way to finding a reasonable resolution to the customer complaint.
6) Acknowledge the Problem
After you’ve heard them out, acknowledge the problem and repeat it back to the customer. Paraphrasing what your customer has said and repeating it back to them lets them know that you listened and that you understand what the problem is.
Acknowledging the problem does not mean that you agree with what the customer has to say, it just means that you understand them and respect where they are coming from.
7) Get the Facts
After listening, take the initiative in the conversation – begin to ask questions. Use this as an opportunity to start a genuine conversation, building a trusting relationship with your customer.
To help you understand the situation, get as many details as possible.
8) Offer a Solution
This happens only after you have sufficient details. One thing to keep in mind: Know what you can and cannot do within your company’s guidelines. Making a promise you cannot commit to will only put you at a disadvantage.
Remember, when offering a solution, be respectful. Let the customer know you are willing to take ownership of the issue.
Take charge of the situation and let the customer know what you are going to do to solve the problem.
9) Follow-up
Sometimes, if company policy allows it – A quick follow-up phone call a few days later to make sure everything is OK is often appreciated by the customer.
Other follow up tactics would be maybe a simple upgrade on the customer’s next purchase or a small gift certificate.
Simple gestures like this could result in a future referral or a positive word-of-mouth marketing recommendation.